A treat after a great weekend is in order. Thankfully the sun did his job right over the weekend so here is another treat in store. I found this beauty online and it contains two great CD's packed full of raduohead B-sides from 1992-2003. Enjoy!
Download here :Part 1 :http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S0TP317M
Part 2 :http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ISNK9N2L
PASSWORD : potq.cl
CD 01 (1992-1996)
01. Stupid Car
02. Inside My Head
03. Million Dollar Question
04. Faithless, The Wonder Boy
05. Coke Babies
06. Pop Is Dead
07. Yes I Am
08. The Trickster
09. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
10. Lozenge Of Love
11. Lewis (Mistreated)
12. Permanent Daylight
13. You Never Wash Up After Yourself
14. Maquiladora
15. Killer Cars
16. India Rubber
17. How Can You Be Sure?
18. Talk Show Host
19. Banana Co.
20. Molasses
21. Bishop's Robes
CD 02 (1997-2003)
01. Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)
02. Pearly*
03. A Reminder
04. Melatonin
05. Meeting In The Aisle
06. Lull
07. Palo Alto
08. How I Made My Millions
09. The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
10. Trans-Atlantic Drawl
11. Kinetic
12. Fast-Track
13. Cuttooth
15. Worrywort
16. Fog
17. Paperbag Writer
18. Where Bluebirds Fly
19. I Am Citizen Insane
20. Gagging Order
21. I Am A Wicked Child
Loverlee stuff
What's the pass word?
Sorry mate my bad the passsword is potq.cl
Many thanks
All the best
This is awesome. Thanks!
More than welcome
thank dude!
nice cover...
how do i get the albums from this website?
Hey Luke,
You click on the link above then in the megaupload site you enter the 3 letter password wait until the download button is viable . then click that press save to your harddrive. then do the same for part 2. Then once saved open the files using winrar. Free to download just google it and then it should save the music files somewhere on your machine. if a password is needed its potq.cl
.hope that helps
ive been looking everywhere for this thanks mannn
Thanks for posting, Ive been wanting these for so long.
Is this legit? Who did the artwork - it looks like Jaime Hernandez. And, where is Chernobyl 2??
Any chance you could upload this to another place since megaupload is closed ? cheers
Any possibility of re-upping this? Loving souls would like to know.
oye podrias postearlo en algun otro lado o al menos compartirlo peronalmente yo perdi mi disco duro y me ha sido muy dificil recuperar mi musica :(
how bout that re-upload? :)
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